US, Vietnam discuss supplying Hanoi with C-130 military transport planes

    US, Vietnam discuss supplying Hanoi with C-130 military transport planes

    Business & FinanceDeals

    Reuters exclusively reported that the United States and Vietnam are discussing the sale of Lockheed Martin C-130 Hercules military transport planes to Hanoi, in a sign of closer security cooperation between the two former foes.

    Market Impact

    The discussions show the United States’ growing efforts to gain influence with Hanoi, nearly half a century after the end of the Vietnam War.

    Article Tags

    Topics of Interest: Business & FinanceDeals

    Type: Reuters Best

    Sectors: Aerospace & DefenceBusiness & Finance

    Regions: Asia

    Countries: Vietnam

    Win Types: Exclusivity

    Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop

    Media Types: Text

    Customer Impact: Significant National Story

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