Birds of prey take centre stage as unique wedding ring bearers


Latest fad involves hawks, falcons, owls, and other majestic birds serving as ring bearers

Feathered fashion: Birds of prey take centre stage as unique wedding ring bearers

In a soaring trend, couples are opting for unconventional ring bearers at weddings, with birds of prey stealing the spotlight, the New York Post reported.  

The latest fad involves hawks, falcons, owls, and other majestic birds serving as the bearers of wedding rings, adding a unique touch to ceremonies. The trend has gained momentum, with brides sharing their experiences on social media platforms like TikTok under the hashtag #RingBearer.

One Florida bride, Courtney Laney, showcased her wedding’s avian spectacle on TikTok, featuring a hawk as the ring bearer. The unconventional choice has captivated couples seeking a distinctive and memorable twist to their nuptials. The use of these feathered ring bearers can come at a cost of over $1,200, but for many, the awe-inspiring spectacle is worth the investment.

Michele Losee, owner of the International Raptor and Falconry Center, remarked that couples embracing this trend not only find it cool but also leave with a newfound appreciation for these birds of prey. Videos of the majestic birds, such as Leroy, have gone viral, entertaining viewers and providing a humorous touch to ceremonies.

Grooms are also joining in on the feathery fun, surprising their bird-loving partners with these unique ring bearers. Kevin Mark shared his experience of hiring a hawk for his wedding in York, Pennsylvania, creating a nerve-wracking yet successful surprise.

The trend of alternative ring bearers, from birds of prey to alpacas, is gaining popularity, challenging traditional choices like flower girls and ring-bearing children. 

However, in some places like New York City, concerns about the well-being of animals have led to proposed bans on practices like bird releases at weddings. Despite the controversy, the trend of unconventional ring bearers continues to take flight, offering couples a memorable and distinctive element for their special day.

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